Summer Proof Your Content With a Simple Social Strategy

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It doesn’t matter if you want to keep the same pace with your business through the summer months, slow it down, or take time off completely; you need to have a plan set up to keep your content rolling. How can you do that without becoming completely overwhelmed and wanting to give up? Start here!

Summer Social Content Strategy: Posting Frequency and Schedule Overview

Decide ahead of time how often you want content posted to your account. Will you post to your feed 3x a week, 5x a week, etc.? This also applies to stories for Instagram and Facebook. Consider how much time and energy you will actually have through the summer, as this will impact how much you can realistically show up. 

If you have kids running around at home or are planning an extended family vacation, you probably won’t be able to keep up with content the same way as a business owner who’s single and without kids. There is no magic number for how often you need to show up online during the summer. Just be realistic with your circumstances, and once you decide on a posting cadence, stick with it!

Next, look at your calendar and block off any upcoming launches, promos, or holidays. This will allow you to focus on spending your time and energy wisely on your content. Knowing what’s coming up (and actually seeing it on a calendar) will help you stay calm and keep it simple this summer.

Summer Social Content Strategy: Repurposing with Purpose

Now, it’s time for my favourite part…REPURPOSE that content! Start by looking at your insights for the past 6 months, choose your top 4 posts and REPOST. You can tweak the caption or hashtags if you wish, but we’re trying to keep this summer content strategy simple. You can apply this method to your stories as well. Look back at what you did last summer that you can download and post again. I promise you, no one will notice except for the fact you’re still showing up consistently online! 

Even if you’re doing a launch or promo, peep through your content from the last time (posts, reels, and stories) and see what will work this time around. You do not need to make this harder than it needs to be. Remember, it’s all about a simple social media content strategy this summer!

After you’ve figured out those top 4 posts, go back into your insights and see what posts had the most comments on them and choose what will work through the summer months for content. Like the posts you started with, you can tweak these ones, or choose to straight up repost. Whatever works for the season you’re in with your business and your life.

Those steps will give you a good base of content for your summer social strategy. Then, you can fill in the gaps in your posting frequency with a few ideas from the typical content you post the rest of the year. Be sure to leave a little room for some fun, rogue content that will connect with your audience on a personal level.

Summer Social Content Strategy: Time-Blocking and Scheduling

The final piece of this simple summer content strategy is to block out time in your schedule to follow through those steps! Something that I’ve been doing that works well for me (and maybe a place to start for you, too) is blocking out 1-hour on Tuesday and Thursday each week to work on my own content and not clients. Some people find that setting a timer when they sit down to complete a task works better. Just find a method that works for you to get that summer content done. After you’ve completed your content repurposing, it’s time to schedule out your posts and even your stories. I love using Metricool to schedule my own content and my client’s content. It’s simple, it auto-posts, and the analytics are fantastic!

That’s it. You did it! You’ve completed your own personalized simple summer social content strategy. Give yourself a pat on the back, pour a cold drink, and hit the beach! For more support during the busy summer months, check out the Social and Stuff Simplified Membership, where the whole vibe is SIMPLE SOCIAL STRATEGY! If this was helpful for you, check out my post about Consistent Content Creation Leads to Online Presence And Sales.

Your Social BFF,


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